Monday, December 19, 2005


Deal or No Deal? Bah! Now that I got my computer back I can play my friends Moola Advertournament. Brilliant system they have, I tell ya. I mean, advertisers fund the thing. You, the player have to watch some ad to play a game which is essentially like Rock, Paper, Scissors. You win, you double your bet. You lose, you lose your bet. Top prize is over $10,000,000.00 but you can cash out before that.
Frankly I think the brilliance is in the whole game theory which will have players cashing out well before they ever get to 10 mil. You start at a penny (paid by the advertisers and try double it with every win. You could, theoretically do so all the way up to 10 million dollars after 30 straight wins. But I ask you... who would wager 5 mil on such a game? Who would wager even $160 (the top pay out I've seen). Well I've won over 11 games straight and am at $10 going for $20 but can't find anyone to play with.
Doesn't cost a thing. If you want an invite, email me. I've got 6 to give.